All the club policies and documents listed below can be found on Swim Manager in the Documents Library.


The club has adopted Wavepower 2024 in full.  The club follows the guidance provided in Wavepower to safeguard all its members.


The Code of Ethics outlines the principles by which the club and its members will operate.


Codes of Conduct – these lay out the expectations of how all members of the club will behave.  There are 3 codes of conduct for:

  • Swimmers
  • Coaches
  • Volunteers


Club Policies – these set out policy and procedure for key areas:

  • Communications Policy
  • Complaints Policy and Procedures
  • Discipline Policy
  • Equality and Diversity policy statement
  • GDPR policy and Privacy notices
  • Pay & Expenses Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy statement


Constitution of the club – lays out how the club is organised and run


Risk Assessment documents – show steps taken to ensure any risks in any activity done by the club are minimised